How do genes regulate cell behaviors in normal organs and cancer?
The Wang Laboratory studies the molecular mechanisms of cell type specification, stem cell differentiation, and various cell behaviors in vivo, with a particular focus on the urogenital organs including the prostate and bladder. We employ multiple experimental approaches, including mouse models, genetic lineage tracing, molecular, biochemical and cell assays, high-throughput sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses. Ultimately, a better understanding in this field will facilitate prevention and treatment of diseases such as prostate cancer.
The lab is located in the Biomed building on the science hill of University of California Santa Cruz. Immersed in redwood trees, the campus overlooks the Santa Cruz City and Monterey Bay, and is an hour's drive to San Francisco.
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Lab News
10/29/2024 Nick wins a competitive 3-year CIRM Predoctoral Research Fellowship. Congratulations!
5/11/2023 New paper reveals AR and Wnt crosstalk in regulating prostate basal stem cells.
5/24/2022 New paper suggests stromal AR plays a tumor-suppressing role in prostate cancer.
3/14/2022 NCI awards the lab $1.7 M to study inflammation in prostate cancer.